2025年會員制優惠:Silver 2%off / Gold 4%off / Diamond 6%off [會員優惠可與優惠碼同時使用,但不適用於所有減價或折扣貨品,最終價格以結帳頁面為準。]

購物滿 HKD 300.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )


我們承諾保障閣下的私隱,並確保閣下的個人資料加以保密。本個人資料收集聲明(以下簡稱「本聲明」)受《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港法例第486章)(以下簡稱「私隱條例」)規管並奉行其有關規定。 1.1 若閣下向本公司提供個人資料,即表示已明白本聲明的內容,並向本公司授權,可收集、保留、使用及披露閣下的個人資料(包括但不限於會員卡號碼、稱謂、姓名、聯絡電話、電郵地址、居住區域及生日日期),作下列用途: (a) 確認閣下身份;並營運、維持或管理閣下的會員帳戶(如適用); (b) 紀錄閣下之會員積分; (c) 作直接促銷用途,定期提供優惠推廣信息 及店舖網絡消息(無論通過郵件、電郵、電話、短訊或將來可用的渠道); (d) 進行閣下已參與的抽獎、遊戲或比賽; (e) 處理/跟進閣下購買之訂單; (f) 為未來之市場推廣計劃進行調查或統計分析; (g) 協助我們挑選閣下可能感興趣的零售商品或服務; (h) 調查投訴、退款或更換事件,以改善服務質素; (i) 防止及偵測罪行; (j) 根據法例作出披露; 及 (k) 綜合性行為分析。 1.2 閣下同意我們可能披露及轉移您的個人資料予向我們負有保密責任的經銷商、代理人、承辦商,以向我們提供管理、數據分析、市場推廣及研究、電訊服務、專業服務或其他類似的服務。 1.3 在有需要時我們可披露及轉移(無論是在香港或海外) 閣下的個人資料予本公司的專業顧問、執法機關、保險公司、政府和監管機構及其他組織作上文1.1及1.2條的用途。 1.4 我們可將不會識別閣下身份的總體資料數據與第三方分享,以作不同用途(包括市場推廣和宣傳),及可能使用該等資料以便更了解閣下需要及改善本公司的產品和服務。 1.5 閣下提供的任何個人資料將由本公司保留,並可就上文第1.1及1.2條所述之目的,由本公司的僱員、我們聘用的第三方服務提供者給上文第1.3條所述的第三方機構查閱。 1.6 請注意任何系統均不可能完全不被入侵,且不可能保證任何在互聯網上提供的資料完全安全。因此,本公司不能保證在互聯網上由閣下傳送予本公司或閣下從本公司收到的資料之安全性。 1.7 閣下可查閱本公司內部存有有關閣下的個人資料;並要求更正閣下的個人資料。閣下亦可隨時要求不再接收我們發出的直接促銷訊息。如欲提出任何上述的要求,請電郵:info@louiscocoa.com.hk。根據私隱條例,我們有權對查閱個人資料的要求收取合理的處理費用。 1.8 當閣下進入我們的網站時,我們可能使用曲奇檔案(Cookies)收集閣下的瀏覽訊息,以評估閣下在網站式的使用情況、瀏覽習慣等網絡活動,為閣下提供最好的服務。 "Cookies" 是從網站伺服器傳送到閣下的瀏覽器,並保存在閣下電腦硬碟中的少量資料。從 "Cookies" 收集的造訪資料只會用作分析閣下在本網站的使用情況及瀏覽習慣,閣下可選擇拒絕接受所有 "Cookies",但若閣下拒絕接受,可能無法使用部分本網站的功能。 1.9 本聲明並不限制私隱條例所保障您享有的權利。 1.10 本聲明的中英文本如有歧義,概以英文版本為準。 本公司可不時修改或更新本聲明,所有本公司收集到的個人資料將受最新版本的本聲明規管。最新版本請留意本網址。 如有爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。 ©2023 Louiscocoa 版權所有

Personal Information Collection Statement

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is protected. This Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”) explains the types of Personal Data we collect and how we process and protect that data. This PICS is governed by and observes the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (the "Ordinance") 1.1 If you provide any personal data to us, you are deemed to have understood the contents of this PICS and have authorised us to collect, retain, use and disclose personal data about you (including but not limited to membership card number, title, name, telephone number, email address, residential district and birthday) for the following purposes: (a) confirmation of your identity, and operate, maintain or manage your membership account (if applicable); (b) keep record of your membership points; (c) for direct marketing purposes, providing you with regular information on benefits and promotion and online news of our shops (whether through mail, email, telephone, text messages or other available channels in future); (d) carrying out prize draws, games or competitions which you have entered; (e) processing and follow up on your purchases; (f) performing research or statistical analysis for future marketing planning; (g) enable us to provide products or services which may be of interest to you; (h) investigate incidents of complaints, refunds or exchanges, in order to improve service quality; (i) prevention or detection of crime; (j) disclosure as required by law; and (k) aggregated behavioural analysis 1.2 You agree that we may disclose and transfer your personal data to our agents or contractors under a duty of confidentiality to us who provide administrative, data processing, research and marketing, distribution, telecommunications, professional or other similar services to us. 1.3 When necessary we may also disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) your personal data to our professional advisers, law enforcement agencies, insurers, government and regulatory and other organisations for purposes specified at 1.1 and 1.2 above. 1.4 We may share aggregate data that does not allow you to be identified with third parties for various purposes (including marketing and advertising), and may use this data in order to better understand your needs and to improve and adapt our products and services. 1.5 Any personal data supplied by you will be retained by us and will be accessible by our employees, any third party service providers engaged by us and third parties referred to at 1.3 above, for or in relation to any of the purposes stated in 1.1 and 1.2 above. 1.6 You should be aware that no system is impenetrable and no information provided over the Internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us or receive from us over the Internet. 1.7 You have the right of access to your personal information held by us and request to correct your personal information. You may opt out from receiving direct marketing materials from us at any time. You may send your request in relation to the aforesaid by email to info@louiscocoa.com.hk. In accordance with the Ordinance, we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. 1.8 We may use “cookies” to collect data about your browsing when you visit our website, in order to evaluate your browsing activity and habits on our website, in order to give you the best possible experience on our websitr. "Cookies" are small test files sent to your browser from a website server and stored on your computer's hard drive. The information so gathered is only used for analyzing your preference in relation to the services we provide. You can decide not to accept the cookies files, but if you do so, certain functionality may not be available. 1.9 Nothing in this Privacy Policy Statement shall limit your rights under the Ordinance. 1.10 If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of this PICS, the English version shall prevail. We may amend or update this PICS from time to time and all information will be governed by our latest version of PICS, available here. In cases of disputes, the decision of our Company shall be final and conclusive. ©2023 Louiscocoa All rights reserved.